Thursday 22 October 2015

Film Log Day 2 - Burj Khalifa

After filming a large proportion of shots with the cluster of buildings, we then decided to visit the Burj Khalifa as it would give us something memorable to use during the trailer. We took various different shots of it from a car as to present the background as well as the main building. We got the building from various different angles and directions to give us a large assortment of shots which we could also possibly use in our film. With both locations for an establishing shot we may also be able to incorporate them as a short scene in our trailer as it helps highlight what the audience could expect to see in our film.

Whilst driving around in Dubai we filmed a large proportion of the scenery you would see out of a car window just to show the audience of the culture of Dubai as a whole and to help showcase the exact storyline of the film trailer in Dubai. Whilst we were doing this we managed to get some shots of when we went on the sand dunes for a Jeep Safari in which we were filmed the cars whom were positioned behind us on the sand as to possibly be used for some sort of chase scene.

Vertically panning shots were mainly used with the Burj Khalifa as we wanted to have some shots focusing on what many consider to be the symbol of Dubai as a whole and so would act to entice the audience into watching the film. The Burj Khalifa was a bit difficult at times to film as we couldn't fit all of the building in the shot when we were positioned near it but from a distance it was reasonable, we took many shots around the Khalifa and from inside it as well. We filmed from the 124th floor as to get the city skyline from a high angle to show the audience as much as possible. We took varying shots in terms of angles as we were able to get relevant shots of what it looks like looking down form the building or up from the bottom of the building.

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