The target audience for the horror genre ranges from usually around the ages of 15-25 as horror films offer a sense of tension and adrenaline for the audience and due to vast array of ambiance and music present in horror movies, It allows the audience to get more immersed in the situation at hand. Horror movies generally are made to appease the male audience viewers as the scenes involving physical, mental or psychological harm which may appeal to the males more. The primary audience for horror films is usually males as they are usually able to relate more to the characters on screen and so will enjoy the experience more. Horror movies also relate to couples as its tense atmosphere and jump scares allow them to get closer and enjoy each others company.
Interests - People who enjoy horror movies as they enjoy the thrill a good jump scare could give and enjoy the story and elements a scary movie offers. People like horror films as it gives them the unique sense of fear which only becomes present during horror movies due to the large screens and surround sound of the cinema.
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