Tuesday, 22 September 2015

Conventions of a Spy Movie Trailer

A spy movie usually focuses around one central protagonist; usually male as they fight of the known antagonist or some sort of evil corporation. Stereotypically the so called hero of the film has some sort of love interest whom they have to protect in a way before they eventually defeat the bad guy. We are usually introduced to other characters in the trailer as well whom act to contrast the main protagonist, so we would see the love interest for example as well as a character who acts as the sidekick, so they could be involved in the technological aspects of the film usually supplying weapons to the protagonist.The protagonist usually shares certain aspects in the genre:

  • masculine 
  • militarily trained 
  • professional
  • good with the ladies
  • professional
  • wears some sort of suit
 One of the main features of a spy movie trailer is the mise-en-scene as like the action movie genre we normally see many different locations which the audience could easily recognise. This is similar to the need for a well known actor or actress being used to help appeal to the audience as we can see this with Javier Bardem's inclusion in James Bond for example. Another feature of the spy genre as a whole is the use of props in the film, this involves guns and other sorts of weapons within the trailer as well including a variety of special effects and practical based real life stunts. During the trailer we normally see the inevitable chase scene as well as a fight scene which is incorporated with the visual effects to entice the audience into wanting to watch the film. The main features you can see in a spy movie trailer are:
  • chase scene
  • fight scenes
  • some sort of dialogue
  • a voiceover of sorts is common
  • showcasing of special effects
  • introduction to the plot
  • characters are shown extensively

The plot as a whole usually focuses on the protagonist and his involvement with the evil corporation as he attempts to stop the bad guys and saves the potential damsel in distress. The trailers job is to showcase these individual qualities to help appeal to the audience as a whole and to try and show its individuality compared to other movies in the spy genre.

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